How do I clean my empty candle jars for reuse?
The "Second life" accessories should be used exclusively for empty glass candle jars. A candle is finished when there is no more than 5mm of wax left or when the metal plate that supports the wick is visible.
Here is a quick and easy way to remove all the wax residue when your candle is used up:
- Wait until the candle has cooled, then place it in the freezer overnight.
- The next day, remove the candle from the freezer and let it sit for 1 hour.
- Turn the glass jar upside down and tap the bottom with the palm of your hand. The slice of wax that has shrunk should fall out. Use a spoon handle to help if necessary.
- If the metal plate holding the wick is still stuck to the bottom of the glass jar, you can pull it out with pliers.
- Finally, wipe out the inside of the glass candle jar with a damp cloth and soap.
- When the glass candle jar is empty, clean and dry, attach the accessories.